
Single & Double Precision Math library reference (CUDA)

Table of contents


The CUDA functions in SLEEF are provided as an inlinable include file. Below is a test code for the CUDA functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

#include "sleefinline_cuda.h"

// Based on the tutorial code at https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/even-easier-introduction-cuda/

__global__ void pow_gpu(int n, double *r, double *x, double *y)
  int index = threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x;

  for (int i = index; i < n; i += stride)
    r[i] = Sleef_powd1_u10cuda(x[i], y[i]);

int main(void)
  int N = 1 << 20;

  double *r, *x, *y;
  cudaMallocManaged(&amp;r, N*sizeof(double));
  cudaMallocManaged(&amp;x, N*sizeof(double));
  cudaMallocManaged(&amp;y, N*sizeof(double));

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    r[i] = 0.0;
    x[i] = 1.00001;
    y[i] = i;

  pow_gpu<<<1, 256>>>(N, r, x, y);


  double maxError = 0.0f;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    maxError = fmax(maxError, fabs(r[i]-pow(x[i], y[i])));
  std::cout << "Max error: " << maxError << std::endl;


  return 0;

Source code for testing CUDA functions

Trigonometric Functions

Vectorized double precision sine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sind1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sin_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision sine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sinf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision sine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sind1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sin_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision sine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sinf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision cosine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_cosd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cos_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision cosine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_cosf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cosf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_cosd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cos_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_cosf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cosf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision combined sine and cosine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double2 Sleef_sincosd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincos_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision combined sine and cosine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float2 Sleef_sincosf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincosf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision combined sine and cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double2 Sleef_sincosd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincos_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision combined sine and cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float2 Sleef_sincosf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincosf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision sine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sinpid1_u05cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinpi_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision sine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sinpif1_u05cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinpif_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision cosine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_cospid1_u05cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cospi_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision cosine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_cospif1_u05cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cospif_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision combined sine and cosine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double2 Sleef_sincospid1_u05cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincospi_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision combined sine and cosine function with 0.506 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float2 Sleef_sincospif1_u05cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincospif_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision combined sine and cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double2 Sleef_sincospid1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincospi_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision combined sine and cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float2 Sleef_sincospif1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sincospif_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision tangent function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_tand1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tan_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision tangent function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_tanf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision tangent function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_tand1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tan_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision tangent function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_tanf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Power, exponential, and logarithmic function

Vectorized double precision power function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_powd1_u10cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_pow_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision power function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_powf1_u10cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_powf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision natural logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_logd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision natural logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_logf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_logf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision natural logarithmic function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_logd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision natural logarithmic function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_logf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_logf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-10 logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_log10d1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log10_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-10 logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_log10f1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log10f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-2 logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_log2d1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log2_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-2 logarithmic function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_log2f1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log2f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision logarithm of one plus argument with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_log1pd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log1p_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision logarithm of one plus argument with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_log1pf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_log1pf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-e exponential function function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_expd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_exp_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-e exponential function function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_expf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_expf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-2 exponential function function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_exp2d1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_exp2_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-2 exponential function function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_exp2f1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_exp2f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-10 exponential function function with 1.09 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_exp10d1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_exp10_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-10 exponential function function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_exp10f1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_exp10f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision base-e exponential function minus 1 with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_expm1d1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_expm1_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision base-e exponential function minus 1 with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_expm1f1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_expm1f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision square root function with 0.5001 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sqrtd1_u05cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sqrt_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision square root function with 0.5001 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sqrtf1_u05cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sqrtf_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision square root function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sqrtd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sqrt_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision square root function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sqrtf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sqrtf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision cubic root function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_cbrtd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cbrt_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision cubic root function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_cbrtf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cbrtf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision cubic root function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_cbrtd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cbrt_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision cubic root function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_cbrtf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cbrtf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision 2D Euclidian distance function with 0.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_hypotd1_u05cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_hypot_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision 2D Euclidian distance function with 0.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_hypotf1_u05cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_hypotf_u05 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision 2D Euclidian distance function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_hypotd1_u35cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_hypot_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision 2D Euclidian distance function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_hypotf1_u35cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_hypotf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Vectorized double precision arc sine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_asind1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asin_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc sine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_asinf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asinf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc sine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_asind1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asin_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc sine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_asinf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asinf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc cosine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_acosd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acos_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc cosine function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_acosf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acosf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_acosd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acos_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc cosine function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_acosf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acosf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc tangent function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_atand1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc tangent function with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_atanf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atanf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc tangent function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_atand1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc tangent function with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_atanf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atanf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc tangent function of two variables with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_atan2d1_u10cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan2_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc tangent function of two variables with 1.0 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_atan2f1_u10cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan2f_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision arc tangent function of two variables with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_atan2d1_u35cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan2_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision arc tangent function of two variables with 3.5 ULP error bound

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_atan2f1_u35cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atan2f_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Hyperbolic function and inverse hyperbolic function

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sinhd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sinhf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinhf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_sinhd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinh_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_sinhf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_sinhf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_coshd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cosh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_coshf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_coshf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_coshd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_cosh_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_coshf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_coshf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_tanhd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_tanhf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanhf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_tanhd1_u35cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanh_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_tanhf1_u35cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tanhf_u35 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision inverse hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_asinhd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asinh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision inverse hyperbolic sine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_asinhf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_asinhf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision inverse hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_acoshd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acosh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision inverse hyperbolic cosine function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_acoshf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_acoshf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision inverse hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_atanhd1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atanh_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision inverse hyperbolic tangent function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_atanhf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_atanhf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Error and gamma function

Vectorized double precision error function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_erfd1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_erf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision error function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_erff1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_erff_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision complementary error function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_erfcd1_u15cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_erfc_u15 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision complementary error function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_erfcf1_u15cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_erfcf_u15 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision gamma function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_tgammad1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tgamma_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision gamma function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_tgammaf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_tgammaf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision log gamma function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_lgammad1_u10cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_lgamma_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision log gamma function

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_lgammaf1_u10cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_lgammaf_u10 with the same accuracy specification.

Nearest integer function

Vectorized double precision function for rounding to integer towards zero

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_truncd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_trunc with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for rounding to integer towards zero

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_truncf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_truncf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for rounding to integer towards negative infinity

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_floord1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_floor with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for rounding to integer towards negative infinity

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_floorf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_floorf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for rounding to integer towards positive infinity

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_ceild1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_ceil with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for rounding to integer towards positive infinity

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_ceilf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_ceilf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for rounding to nearest integer

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_roundd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_round with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for rounding to nearest integer

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_roundf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_roundf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for rounding to nearest integer

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_rintd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_rint with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for rounding to nearest integer

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_rintf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_rintf with the same accuracy specification.

Other function

Vectorized double precision function for fused multiply-accumulation

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fmad1_cuda(double a, double b, double c);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fma with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for fused multiply-accumulation

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fmaf1_cuda(float a, float b, float c);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmaf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision FP remainder

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fmodd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmod with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision FP remainder

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fmodf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmodf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision FP remainder

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_remainderd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_remainder with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision FP remainder

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_remainderf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_remainderf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for multiplying by integral power of 2

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_ldexpd1_cuda(double a, int32x2_t b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_ldexp with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for obtaining fractional component of an FP number

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_frfrexpd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_frfrexp with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for obtaining fractional component of an FP number

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_frfrexpf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_frfrexpf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for obtaining integral component of an FP number

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ int32x2_t Sleef_expfrexpd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_expfrexp with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for getting integer exponent

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ int32x2_t Sleef_ilogbd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_ilogb with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision signed integral and fractional values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ Sleef_double_2 Sleef_modfd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_modf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision signed integral and fractional values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ Sleef_float_2 Sleef_modff1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_modff with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for calculating the absolute value

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fabsd1_cuda(double a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fabs with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for calculating the absolute value

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fabsf1_cuda(float a);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fabsf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for copying signs

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_copysignd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_copysign with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for copying signs

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_copysignf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_copysignf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for determining maximum of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fmaxd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmax with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for determining maximum of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fmaxf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmaxf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for determining minimum of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fmind1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fmin with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for determining minimum of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fminf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fminf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function to calculate positive difference of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_fdimd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fdim with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function to calculate positive difference of two values

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_fdimf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_fdimf with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized double precision function for obtaining the next representable FP value

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ double Sleef_nextafterd1_cuda(double a, double b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_nextafter with the same accuracy specification.

Vectorized single precision function for obtaining the next representable FP value

#include <sleefinline_cuda.h>

__device__ float Sleef_nextafterf1_cuda(float a, float b);

This is the CUDA function of Sleef_nextafterf with the same accuracy specification.